Recovering Hearts is a highly structured 9-to-13-month program to help women struggling with addiction and to reunite healthy mothers with their children. Essentially, Recovering Hearts is a 12-step program with a Christ-centered focus.
Recovering Hearts serves up to 18 ladies with the capacity to serve their children as well and provides safe and healthy housing, drug prevention/intervention classes, meals, life skills classes and work opportunities. It is an intense and structured program that is staffed 24-7 with professionals to help ladies break addiction through daily Bible study and prayer, classes, and counseling to learn how to confront destructive choices and unhealthy behaviors. It gives them a safe place to establish new “normals.”

A typical day for the ladies begins with rising early for breakfast, cleaning their apartments, and meeting together for worship, Bible study and prayer. In the afternoon, the ladies are learning and establishing good work ethic by cleaning various buildings on campus such as the cafeteria, River Academy, and The Rock Church. Each evening there are gatherings such as domestic violence class, as well as spending time in personal devotions or journaling. Saturdays are often spent enjoying an outing together.
We also offer licensed counseling and other therapeutic classes.
If interested in learning more about Recovering Hearts or seeking help, please contact Trevor at 423-500-4046.