We are guided by principles that have been passed down throughout the history of this ministry. These beliefs strongly influence our services:
• God loves children and their families so much that He sent His Son to die so that they could have abundant and eternal life.
• Every child should be taught about Jesus.
• All things are possible in Christ.
• Every child should have a warm and secure place to live.
• People can change.
• Lasting change occurs through caring relationships.
• It is the birthright of every child to have a family.
• The best place for a child to be raised is within a caring family.
• Children and youth should always have something to look forward to.
• Kids and families deserve our very best.
• Every child deserves the opportunity to reach their God-given potential.
The people of Holston Home shall diligently attend to those in our care through these practices:
• Provide the highest quality of professional service for our children and their families through highly trained and competent staff.
• Treat all people with love, respect, and care.
• Keep all information confidential.
• Be open and honest in our communications.
• Recognize progress and achievements of children and families.
• Advocate for the rights and needs of our children, youth, and their families.
• Practice the highest principles of Christian stewardship in every aspect of our ministry.