Bradley Williams – President/CEO
Why Holston?
Kids naturally believe that anything is possible, especially if their moms or dads tell them so. They believe that they can grow up and be astronauts, cowboys, professional football players, or even the president. I think this is part of the reason that Jesus said we must become like a child to enter His kingdom. Hard situations and a fallen world have damaged these beliefs for the young people who come to Holston Home. I love the work we do and the people I do it with because we get to tell them the truth – that the God of this universe loves them more than they can imagine. And then, we get to start proving it by the way we care for them and the experiences we are able to provide for them. Soon they can begin to hope, dream and believe again. I can’t imagine doing ANYTHING else ANYWHERE else!
College: The University of Tennessee
Married with two children and a dog

Gayle Mrock – VP of Program Services
What makes Holston’s ministry special?
Next year I will hit my 30 year anniversary at Holston Home. The job was not always easy but it was always addicting. Working with troubled youth sort of gets in your blood. Being given the ability to incorporate faith in everything we do and teach them that regardless of where they come from they are worthy of love and good things in life makes this job very special.
At Holston we approach each day as an opportunity to push kids through the “I don’t wannas” that will hold them back from success. Do things that are hard. Do things you are afraid to do. Do things knowing all things are possible through Christ. That is what can make a youth successful. That is what makes them feel capable and stronger than their past.
Holston is a place where our central guiding question is, “What would we want for our own child?” When we start there, God seems to steer our work because He wants the very best for ALL of his children. I never for a minute wanted to work anywhere else.
College: Tusculum College
Married with two children, 7 cats and 3 dogs

Seth Taylor, CFRE – VP of Development
What makes Holston’s ministry special?
Two things are clear. First, Holston Home’s leadership is committed to providing life-changing opportunities for every kid that comes through the door. Upon arriving at Holston, kids hear truth in love, experience kindness, and many even begin a relationship with Jesus and get baptized – all while living in a safe and caring place. And did I mention how great the food is?
Second, my main role is fund development so I can attest that the people who give to Holston Home make this ministry extraordinary. Our contributors are real-life change agents and the children served here would have a much different experience if it were not for the generous financial gifts of caring individuals, churches, and organizations. Holston Home supporters help provide hope to youth who come from hard places and I believe they are some of the best folks around!
It is an honor to wake up each day and think about how my colleagues and I in the development department can best serve our donors and partner with them to meet their philanthropic interests for the benefit of hurting children. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this team and for the friends we get to make along the way through this important work.
College: Georgia Southern University and Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Married with three children and a cat