River Academy is a private Christian School housed in the Cunningham Center on the main campus of Holston Home. River Academy is designed for children who may be having trouble succeeding in school or in the community. River Academy offers an opportunity to gain knowledge, interpersonal skills, and personal worth that will allow him or her to discover new and more positive ways to relate to the world.

A ministry of Holston Home for Children, River Academy and the Quillen Day Treatment Program guide students toward social, behavioral, academic, and emotional well-being. Staff members work with students and their family on individual programs of instruction that guide young people into new directions. We are licensed by the State of Tennessee to teach students from kindergarten to seniors in high school.
Who Are The Students?
- Boys and girls ages 5-18, grades K-12
- May have a certifiable educational handicapping condition that requires a highly-structured educational program
- May have a behavioral problem requiring daily treatment and socialization activities
- May be referred by area school systems, parents, or qualified mental health professionals
- Have a need for individualized and highly specialized attention available at a special education school
How Do We Help Them?
Students at River Academy are prepared to succeed in their community settings by an intensive educational experience that begins with a rigorous assessment of their needs. Each student progresses through one-on-one and small-group opportunities in the classroom, in counseling, in Christian guidance and in recreational activities. Adventure Based programming including a therapeutic equine program is incorporated into the curriculum. A computer lab is available to students for tutoring and credit recovery. Our ultimate goal is to enable every child to return successfully to public schools or less-intensive day programs.
To accomplish this goal we:
- Administer a complete battery of educational tests to determine students’ abilities
- Complete assessments of vocational aptitude, interests and of independent living skills for students older than 14
- Thoroughly document each student’s progress
- Design individual education and treatment plans based on complete records of students’ behavior and progress
- Involve referring parties, the student’s parents/guardians, the student and program staff, in the educational process
- Provide important one-on-one time as well as opportunities to develop social skills in small groups
- Respond to and re-train self-defeating, disruptive, or aggressive behaviors
- Offer a variety of exciting activities including Christian Life events and Adventure Based activities
How Can We Help?
Staff members at River Academy are dedicated professionals who help children grow and learn in a positive, non-judgmental way. More than that, they are individuals who have a genuine love for children and a commitment to help their students succeed. The school is small. The community is caring. The approach is person-to-person.
- Each class is staffed with a teacher and at least one teacher’s aide for an average 5:1 teacher-student ratio.
- Additional clinical support services include a psychiatric nurse practitioner, nurse and a clinical therapist.
- Carefully screened volunteers serve as reading pals, library and office helpers, and special friends to selected students.
- Approved by the Tennessee Department of Education to provide services to children with educational handicaps
- Licensed by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health as a day treatment facility
- Accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Services (a national accrediting body)
Holston Home for Children does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, or handicapping conditions in the provision of its services and in its hiring practices.
For additional information and questions please contact River Academy (423) 787-8708, fax at (423) 638-3752 or send us an email.